
Ethan Louis Lew

Ethan Louis Lew is a 28 year old director based out of Miami, New York, and San Diego. Ethan specializes in directing films and advertisements with a documentary film making style approach, seeking to capture the subject and story in an organic, unrehearsed style. Ethan’s academic background, double majoring in Urban Design & Political Science at New York University, paired with his passion of film, extends well to his favorite style of finding his next story. Explore first, document second. Ethan excels with both small and large crew productions, and likes to describe himself with three compound words while on set: Easy-Going, Detail-Oriented, and Locked-In.

28 Years Old | 1.74 Languages Spoken | 56 Countries Visited | 1 Fiancé | 95,000 Photos Taken | 2 Degrees From NYU (Urban Design & Political Science) | 1,675 Drone Flights Recorded | 2 Dogs | 1 Brother | 3 Drones | 4 Cameras |

28 Years Old | 1.74 Languages Spoken | 56 Countries Visited | 1 Fiancé | 95,000 Photos Taken | 2 Degrees From NYU (Urban Design & Political Science) | 1,675 Drone Flights Recorded | 2 Dogs | 1 Brother | 3 Drones | 4 Cameras |